Finding flaky tests with machine learning and the FLAKE16 feature set
Isn’t it frustrating when you run your test suite and some tests pass and others fail, even though you haven’t changed any code? These tests are often called flaky tests — and they present a serious and pernicious challenge for software engineers. My colleagues and I recently published (Parry et al. 2022)
This paper’s study evaluates the performance of 54 machine learning pipelines for detecting both non-order-dependent (NOD) and order-dependent (OD) flaky tests. Using real-world Python projects, we found that FLAKE16 outperformed a well-established feature set in detecting both types of flaky tests. Specifically, FLAKE16 offered a 13% increase in the overall F1-score when detecting NOD flaky tests and a 17% increase when detecting OD flaky tests.
One of the key insights from our research is the identification of the most impactful features for detecting flaky tests. For NOD flaky tests, the peak number of concurrently running threads during test case execution was the most impactful. For OD flaky tests, the number of read- and write-related system calls had the greatest impact on the detector’s overall effectiveness.
Our research is a significant step forward in the field of flaky test detection. Since there is evidence of the promise of this approach, we plan to extend our work to include test cases from projects implemented in different programming languages and evaluate the performance of machine learning models for detecting flaky tests in additional specific categories. You can explore (Parry et al. 2023)
As my colleagues and I continue to explore how machine learning can support the detection and repair of flaky tests, your insights and suggestions are appreciated! If you have ideas or experiences related to this pervasive issue in software testing, please contact me. Or, if you want to stay informed about new developments and blog posts related to flaky tests and other software testing topics, consider subscribing to my mailing list. Finally, you can hear me discuss this paper on a podcast by listening to the episode "Dr. Gregory Kapfhammer Wants to Stop Flaky Tests"!